Qiaosheng (Eric) Zhang 张乔生

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Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (上海人工智能实验室)
Xuhui, Shanghai, China
E-mail: ericzhang8951@gmail.com, zhangqiaosheng@pjlab.org.cn

About me

I received my B.Eng. degree (2015) and Ph.D. degree (2019) in the Department of Information Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, advised by Prof. Sidharth Jaggi and Prof. Mayank Bakshi. From 2019-2022, I was a research fellow at National University of Singapore, with Prof. Vincent Y. F. Tan. I was also fortunate to visit Prof. Matthieu Bloch at Georgia Tech in 2018. I have been a researcher at the Shanghai AI Lab since 2022.

Intern Opportunites

I am looking for self-motivated interns at Shanghai AI Lab. We offer competitive intern salaries. Research topics include but not limited to reinforcement learning theory, information theory, and (multimodal) large language model. Feel free to send me an email if you are interested.


Research interests

My research interests lie broadly in the span of information theory and machine learning. Recently, I am passionate about exploring the mathematical underpinnings and developing novel algorithms for data science problems such as reinforcement learning and community detection.

  • Information Theory: Covert Communication, Information-theoretic security, Mismatched Decoding

  • Reinforcement Learning (RL): RL from Human Feedback (RLHF), Multi-agent RL, Online/Offline RL

  • Community Detection (a.k.a. clustering): Stochastic Block Model, Hypergraph

Selected Publications

The symbol † denotes interns or students mentored by me.

Grants and Awards

  • Overseas Excellent Young Scholars Fund by NSFC

  • Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, Department of Information Engineering, CUHK (2019)